Statistics & Trend for Mobile Applications (Top 10 Downloads) – Part 2

With around 7 Million mobile applications that are available in the market globally right now, it is hard for a user to pick which application is the best for them. You can refer here if you would like to know more about the market share for iOS and Android respectively.

Thus, we have complied a list that shows the Top 10 downloads in 2020 for both Android and iOS platforms. The list has been separated into two categories which are General Applications (Android and iOS) & Games Applications (Android and iOS).



Figure 1: Top 10 general applications for Android (JAN 2020)

Figure 1 represents the downloads of Android applications for January 2020. WhatsApp manages to stand in the first place in Google Play Store with 88 Million downloads for that months and leaves TikTok and Instagram behind with 63 Million and 43 Million downloads respectively.

For your information, 5 of the applications that were in the top 10 list were by Facebook, Inc company. The applications were: –

  1. Whatsapp
  2. Instagram
  3. Facebook
  4. Messenger
  5. Facebook Lite

Billions of users use their platforms, applications, and services making Facebook a large company that holds countless user data.

Figure 2: Top 10 general applications  for iOS (JAN 2020)

The number of downloads from Figure 2 represents the downloads on the iOS platform in January 2020. The data shows that the applications have a small variance between each of them. TikTok holds the first place in the list with 14 Million downloads follows by WhatsApps and Youtube which have 12 Million downloads.

From both figures (Figure 1 & Figure 2), we can conclude that: –

  1. TikTok and WhatsApp applications were both popular in either the Android or iOS platforms. As a result, both of them switch place between the first and the second place on the top 10 list.
  2. Almost 65% of the applications on the top 10 lists were social media and messaging type apps. Other than that, the apps that were in the top 10 list were entertainment and a navigation type which commonly use in our lifestyle.
  3. Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, and TikTok are the only applications that exist in the list of the top 10 downloads for both platforms.



Figure 3: Top 5 game applications  for Android (JAN 2020)

Figure 3 shows that Johny Trigger has the most download compare to others. Hunter Assasin has 1 Million fewer downloads compare to Johny Trigger.

Figure 4: Top 5 game applications  for iOS (JAN 2020)

For the iOS game which shows in Figure 4, Brain Out held the first place in the Top 5 download games for iOS in February 2020. The rest has less than 10 Million downloads making a huge difference between the first place and others.

According to the figure above (Figure 3 and 4), we can see that Brain Out and Sand Balls successfully make a place for a Top 5 list in February 2020 for both platforms.



To make a successful mobile app and able to achieve millions of downloads from the users is not as easy as you think and quite challenging. You need to figure out what people love and use the most. It is all about analyzing and investigating the demand from the social community and market place. Different types of people of different ages have a lot of different preferred apps for them. Making an application without investigating the trend is such a useless effort and waste of the resources.

As a professional mobile application developer and consultant, we know what is best for you. What requirement suit your needs and what features you should have. With a lot of experience in developing mobile applications, we can rule out the guideline of what should and what shouldn’t do on mobile applications. Contact us and we will help you develop quality and high-demand software.


Source: appsimilar



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